Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

How to contact us...

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Eastern Avenue


S2 2GQ

0114 2398163 maps.safely.scale

For general enquiries please contact the school business manager Sally Moorwood via email or call the office team 8.15am- 4.30 pm on 0114 2398163

For queries with regards to your child's special educational needs, please contact the school office on 0114 2398163 and ask to speak with the SENCOs Karen Heeley and Dominique Roach or the teacher in charge of the integrated resource unit (IRU) Lucy Hanson


Welcome to Team Arbourthorne

 Excellence as Standard

Sharing news and jokes with Ms Langley!
Sharing news and jokes with Ms Langley!


A Warm Welcome from our Headteacher

Vanessa Langley

“I’m a firm believer that our job as a community school is to create the best conditions for children to

grow academically and socially through a ‘co-parenting’ partnership between home, school and community.”

Vanessa Langley, Headteacher


I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you from all of us at Arbourthorne Community Primary School. 

We are based in the heart of the Arbourthorne Estate in South East Sheffield. We offer an inspiring learning environment that is warm, welcoming, respectful, and highly inclusive; a place where children are supported and challenged to achieve their very best from their individual starting points. Our whole focus is on making lives and futures better in partnership with parents and the community. We are a true community school with a focus on making lives better for those living here and a place where children sit firmly at the heart of all decisions. Our team are committed to ensuring we work closely together and in partnership with our parents, carers and wider community and for everyone to feel they play a part in our Arbourthorne family. 

Arbourthorne was judged to be a  Good school with an Outstanding judgement for children's Personal Development in October 2022. We enjoy great success thanks to a skilled and dedicated team of colleagues and families and wonderful children who thrive in a culture where we are ambitious and enjoy, celebrate and value everyone's achievements. 

The children in our school are a joy and make strong progress from their individual starting points. We are a highly inclusive school with high ambitions for every child. Arbourthorne celebrates the success of children of all abilities within a nurturing and caring atmosphere and every visitor comments on the warmth, friendliness and kindness of the staff, all secured within a culture of high expectation.

Our children have personality and we celebrate character and individuality. We foster social skills and attitudes through our 8 core values which are designed to create good citizens in society; citizens who are respectful and tolerant of others, who aim high in all aspects of their life and can work with confidence in a team situation. Our children have enquiring minds and the motivation to succeed.

We are proud of the way in which our children are prepared for secondary school, develop skills for employability including computing, electronics, coding and robotics, 3D digital design and fabrication, manipulate materials and tools and develop proficiency in digital literacy through our Maker curriculum from FS1 to Y6. Our ambition is to secure successful skills for future employment and learn to live our 8 core values in action as good citizens within this community. We have worked closely with Academics from The University of Sheffield to be named as Sheffield's first Maker school. Learners develop the core values through an experience and language rich curriculum. We have high expectations and high ambition and children are supported to rise to the challenge!


Why choose Arbourthorne?

Children and families tell us they feel part of something special at Arbourthorne. (follow this link to read what others say about us what-do-others-say-about-the-school) Children are at the heart of all the decisions made by our colleague and Governor team. There are high expectations from the very start of a child's journey with us and parents are encouraged to play a key role in their child's education. Children thrive because the staff take time to know the children as individuals and their families and build meaningful relationships which help us to tailor the curriculum and provision to secure the very best from each child. 

In our school, everything we do is based on the simple belief that all children will achieve highly from their varied starting points given the right levels of support and inspiration and that each child has many talents that can be discovered and grown. We know that children flourish personally and academically when they feel safe, happy and are inspired by talented teachers and supported by a community that knows and appreciates them as individuals. We are a highly inclusive school with well above National average numbers of pupils with special educational needs and pupils with EHCPs. Almost 70% of our pupils are entitled to pupil premium. We believe in identifying individual starting points and securing outstanding success for all. Our colleague team are highly skilled in supporting all levels of ability, securing good behaviour and attitudes to learning and ensuring children are ambitious for themselves. We set their goals high!

Our Approach 

Our school curriculum has been consistently broad and well balanced for many years and builds carefully on prior knowledge, taking account of individual starting points.  We have employed an artist in residence, Jayne Cooper, for fourteen years because we know our children benefit from developing their vocabulary and language skills through a visual arts context and the result of her work with families and colleagues has been outstanding. Her work supports a rapid development of children's oracy. Her focus is to work with the children, families and colleague team to develop language and literacy through the arts and build on children's vocabulary from varied entry points. We recognise that children come to school with lots of different experiences and so our commitment is to offer a rich curriculum with quality trips and first hand experiences and a bespoke approach to language development.

We employ an NHS speech and language therapist to visit weekly and support children who have developmental delays, speech difficulties or are language impoverished or delayed. She helps children achieve great success. 

Our drive is to secure good reading outcomes for all pupils and a love of reading permeates the curriculum using high quality texts and a rigorous and consistent approach to phonics. We have a beautiful library which has a good range of books and is restocked regularly. Children regularly put in orders for new books and authors they enjoy! We have a book vending machine and all children get to choose at least one book a year to keep as they build their own library collection at home! Children are encouraged to read at every opportunity. Parent volunteers run a 'Little Library' and stall for book exchanges, along with our online parent book club. 

Our curriculum from Nursery to Y6 is designed to open doors to future employment,  broaden horizons, develop key skills to prepare children for the next stage in their education and build on what children already know, what they need to know and what they want to find out. We encourage curiosity and a love of learning when securing core knowledge. 

We are proud of the children’s creative, artistic, sporting and academic success from starting points and we encourage and develop these talents at every opportunity. We have employed an artist in residence for 16 years, have a drama teacher to give opportunities for children to perform at the theatre and work closely with The Sheffield Music Hub to offer free brass lessons to our children. We have a French and Latin teacher. Children are encouraged to join in with our sporting activities at lunchtimes and a range of after school clubs and we run family events, holiday clubs and several residential opportunities throughout the year. We work closely with Sheffield High school to enhance opportunities for our pupils and raise aspiration and ambition. 

Life Skills and Other Initiatives

We have a life skills house in our school grounds called ‘Red Robin House’ which opened in 2014 and children from foundation stage to Year Six learn core life skills such as 'cooking a meal from scratch', sewing, baking, growing vegetables, living a healthy lifestyle, mending a puncture on a bike, calling emergency services, money management, entrepreneurial skills and caring for the community. These are some of the life skills that support future personal success for our children. We run activities that our families need and request and work closely with other providers to offer training and support groups for the community. 

We want our children to play an active role in supporting and contributing to their community, sharing their strengths and skills to make their world a better place and we build a curriculum that allows this to happen. We work in partnership with several organisations to deliver our 'An Even Better Arbourthorne' Project which is an exceptional project developing the role of volunteers and addressing the root causes of poverty with our community. It is led by a dedicated co-ordinator and funded by a community Lottery initiative. We have established a community fridge, a large polytunnel for growing and sharing food, an outdoor classroom, a fire pit and outdoor cooking facilities and several entrepreneurial initiatives for the wider community. We employ a lead to oversee this initiative, a volunteer co-ordinator, a food co-ordinator and a gardening lead. This work is helping to extend our offer to the community and in turn make the children's lives better. Our community fridge is used to save surplus food from supermarkets going to landfill and is given to families and the community on Tuesdays and Fridays. We have a surplus clothes exchange, and a team of parents lead a family feast in which they cook and share meals with up to 100 people. We have a slow cooker library to support healthy lifestyles and economical batch cooking- all led and taught by community volunteers. We have volunteers working extensively across the school and they are rewarded for sharing their skills and expertise through Time builder credits- hours volunteering are exchanged for family trips and events and this raises self esteem and leadership skills which can lead to future employment. Our parents run a community book club and have established a Women's Savers Group in the community. Our 'Hearts of Gold' initiative in school echoes this approach and celebrates the children who show care for others in school by helping them to read, teaching a new skill or helping volunteer to help others generally in school. 

We have a long standing link to several University of Sheffield departments who bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the children's experiences. For example, we host medical students, the architecture Live Projects and since 2020 we have been working on a jointly funded partnership with The University of Sheffield to develop our Maker curriculum (computing, DT, 3D fabrication and design, robotics, coding) using expertise from within school and with academics and this has been funded by a large grant. This means the children have a high quality experience and it keeps our curriculum content and knowledge at the cutting edge. This development was designed to capitalise on an increase in technology in the home and school secured during Covid, and in 2022 we officially became the University's First 'Maker School' -developing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths subjects through a real life problem solving approach whilst developing the skills needed for future employment such as critical thinking and team work. We are supporting the roll out of this pilot across South Yorkshire schools with the University. Colleagues are  engaging in action research with academics.

These are just some examples of the innovative approach we have to improving our children's life chances and pages on this website will expand in detail. 

Reading our website is important but visiting the school and getting a feel of the atmosphere, seeing the curriculum in action, meeting our wonderful children and seeing the interaction between staff and children and the eight core values in action will truly help you understand what we are all about. 

Please make an appointment to visit our school by calling the school office on 0114 2398163.  You will be warmly welcomed! 

Ms Vanessa Langley


We love Reading!

What is everyone's favourite item in school? A few years ago Ms Langley decided to buy a book vending machine to help every child develop their own library of books at home. Children are nominated by their teachers from each class every week for following the core values in their learning and can use a gold coin and choose their favourite book from a wide selection of authors and genres.

Children and families can also use the Little library as part of a weekly after school book swap and our wonderful main school library is open to families every Monday evening for Mrs Rhodes and Miss Ellison's book club!

''I have been wanting this Diary of a Wimpy Kid book for weeks and now I have it! We have been swapping books so we can read the whole series.''

Y5 pupil

'' He loves the book machine. It's making him read loads more at home!''

Parent of Y4 pupil 

Our children are thoughtful and demonstrate the core values in action without prompting!
Our children are thoughtful and demonstrate the core values in action without prompting!

Hearts of Gold 

Awards night for Sheffield school's children with 'Hearts of Gold'

Read all about our amazing Hearts of Gold Awards ceremony, featured in the Star. 


Our school in action- watch this film!

Click on the link below and watch our video introducing you to life at Arbourthorne Community Primary School.

If you want to arrange a visit as a prospective parent, to volunteer with us or if you are interested in our approach and want to see for yourself, you will be warmly welcomed by us all.

Where are they now?

Arbourthorne Alumni still making us proud

We welcome our former pupils back at every opportunity and enjoy showcasing their significant achievements. Here is a selection from our new Arbourthorne wall of fame. Let us know if you want to share your expert knowledge with our pupils and talk to them about what you have achieved. You may have an apprenticeship or be studying at college, or you may have started your own business or have been inspired by one of your teachers to follow a certain subject or career.

Let Ms Langley know what you have achieved so that your example can inspire our pupils to keep following the core values and achieve their dreams. Once Arbourthorne, always Arbourthorne!

Alumna Emma Crookes returns to Arbourthorne to share her expert knowledge as a scientist 

Fantastic News!

Arbourthorne is the University of Sheffield's First Maker School! 

Arbourthorne, working in partnership with The University of Sheffield, is helping other schools become Maker accredited Schools by sharing their knowledge gained from working with the University through CPD events and visits to the school. 

All classrooms at Arbourthorne  have their very own Maker space for children to rehearse their skills in making, robotics, electronics, coding and digital design and much more! The spaces enhance skills across all areas of the curriculum.

Being a Maker School is a growing movement internationally, and entails a maker-centred learning approach for primary education. Children learn by doing (through exploration, skill builders and tinker time) and at the same time develop the skills and knowledge to create, make and mend things. They also develop essential skills for the 21st century such as critical thinking and problem solving.

'Our ambition is for our children to be prepared with the skills and knowledge needed for careers in computing, electronics, robotics and the creative industries in Sheffield and beyond and we have some real talent in our school which has been realised in partnership with this ambitious project with the University of Sheffield academics!'

Ms Vanessa Langley Headteacher 

To celebrate being the first Sheffield Maker School, we set up a carousel of tech-based challenges for the whole school with The University of Sheffield Maker team. Our artist in residence, Jayne Cooper, held a cardboard workshop for pupils to imagine and design ‘new school spaces - a theme that classes at Arbourthorne have been exploring over the past few weeks. Each class presented their ideas at the festival and TTS Resources donated coding and electronics prizes.

Our second challenge was an interactive playdoh maze: a collaboration of Makey Makey, Scratch and squishy circuits. Children worked together to lead a magnet through their maze - but touch the sides and you heard a funny noise through Scratch.

Pupils also made binary code bracelets, where they used code to represent their initials using two colour beads. Binary code is how information is stored inside computers using 0’s and 1’s (bi means two). It is integral to the world of computing. We had some nifty codebreakers at Arbourthorne. 

The next challenge was about testing robotic strength. Children used  Strawbees and then tested their strength using a robotic arm? Grab, release, lift and lower… Children learned about the 6 degrees of freedom in the human body and how these motions are mimicked in the robotic arm to achieve the elbow and wrist motion.

Finally, pupils played with Sphero, our robot ball equipped with a gyroscope and accelerometer in a game of crazy golf. There weren’t many holes in one but the children were certainly good at dodging obstacles. Our other robots Cubetto, Dash, and the ozobots also made an appearance in a shady spot of the playground. 

The Maker Festival was a cyber celebration of all that Arbourthorne has achieved on their journey to becoming a Maker school.

'Bee the Change ' Anti- bullying approaches at Arbourthorne 

A group of our Y6 children produced this short film in conjunction with Haven to showcase the work we have done to empower our pupils in becoming 'positive bystanders'. We will not tolerate bullying in this school and our Bee the change ambassadors play a key role in supporting harmony in our school community and making children feel safe in partnership with peer mediators and the whole colleague team!


Buddy visits for Wellbeing Wednesday

Buddy is a very much loved part of our team. Buddy and Dom, his owner, love Team Arbourthorne too and together they are supporting child and adult well-being! 

"What an awesome school! I’ve loved today, nearly as much as Buddy! From the first reply to my email, months ago, to my visit today, awesome! From the very first welcome as I drove in to school this morning to the goodbye at the end, every member of staff was helpful, made me feel welcome and looked happy! That’s not something I see in other schools!!"

Dom McDermott (Beyond The 4 Walls)

Remote Learning Review

We reviewed our approaches to Remote Learning with our Learn Sheffield Improvement partner. We continue to strive for excellence in all we provide for our children and families with technology to enhance home- school learning. All children have an account on Google classroom to access learning at home and build their own learning showcase. There may be occasions in the future when children still need to access learning online. Do let us know if you need any help with online learning, food support, debt management or just need someone to talk to.

' The school's practice is exemplary. Current practice is testament, and builds on Arbourthorne's well-established and shared values, curriculum structures and teaching principles, expectations, learning behaviours and relationships.'

 Learn Sheffield

One reason why you might choose Arbourthorne for your child! 

''I like school so much because all you see when you come through the entrance-  there's always a smile on everyone's face and there's hardly one person that has a grumpy face and the school is also full of kindness.'' 

 Y6 pupil


"I cannot believe the generosity of Arbourthorne School. I have never experienced generosity from anywhere like this and I am  very grateful for all the support school offers and I am very proud to be part of the school"

Parent of child supported by pastoral team during Covid lockdown 

An Even Better Arbourthorne

Please click on the link below so see our video about our An Even Better Arbourthorne programme.

If you are worried you are in danger online you can click on the icon above and report to the police why you are worried.