Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

Disadvantaged Learners' Analysis

Foundation Stage Profile

FS2 in 2023

  • The percentage of disadvantaged learners achieving GLD (a Good Level of Development) was higher than non-disadvantaged learners.
  • In C&L (Communication and Language) and PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) disadvantaged learners achieve higher than the national for DA.
    •  4% higher in C&L and 11% higher in PSED. 
  • PD (Physical Development) is in line with national for disadvantaged learners.


Phonics Screening Check

Year 1 in 2023

  • The percentage of DA pupils passing the PSC is above the national ‘other’ figure and 17% higher than average for DA pupils nationally.
  • A higher percentage of DA pupils passed the PSC than non-DA for the first time.
  • The pass rate for disadvantaged learners was up 26% compared to the previous year.


Year 2 in 2023

  • The gap to the national average continues to close for DA pupils passing PSC by the end of Y2 

End of KS1

Year 2 in 2023

  • The 2023 Year 2 cohort have a significant level of complexity
    • 33% SEND - 5 children are at level 4 or 5 on the SSG - the highest levels of need. A further 15 children are at level 3.
    • 62% disadvantaged learners, of which 46% are also SEND. 
    • 20% EAL 
    • 15% comers since the start of FS2

This cohort attainment and progress was significantly impacted by the two COVID lockdowns during Foundation Stage, this has had an impact on academic outcomes at the end of KS1.

End of KS2

Year 6 in 2023

  • The percentage of disadvantaged learners in the Y6 cohort is more than 3 times the number nationally.
  • The percentage of disadvantaged learners achieving the expected in reading is up 9% compared to 2019, therefore the gap to national is closing overtime.
  • 55% of disadvantaged learners who also have SEND achieved the expected standard in maths.