Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

Mini Police


Every year, a group of Year 5 children take part in the Mini Police Programme and work alongside our local PCSOs.  This is a great opportunity for our children to develop their leadership skills and represent our school.  The Mini Police Officers promote the Arbourthorne core values and make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.  

Programme aims:

  1. The principal aim of the Mini Police programme is to create a fun and interactive volunteering opportunity for children age 9-11 years old in Primary School Year 5, following through into Year 6. Through positive interaction, children develop and maintain trust in the Police.
  2. Delivery of Force, National and Community priorities through enriched wider community interaction with planned outcomes.
  3. To enable young people to have a confident voice and an enjoyable experience associated with policing.
  4. Community problem solving through youth and wider stakeholder participation.
  5. Future demand reduction, through early engagement with children.
  6. To develop the young people in order to maximise individual potential and citizenship.
  7. To develop self-esteem and confidence and to encourage responsibility and consideration for others.
  8. To support the principles of British Values within Education.

Congratulations to the newly appointed Mini Police officers for 2024-25.  They underwent a rigorous selection process involving completing application forms and having an interview with Mrs Fenech and Miss Hollows.  

Our Mini Police officers swear an Oath of Allegiance as part of their induction ceremony.

Click here to read an article about the 2021 induction ceremony, which was attended by the then Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire, Alan Billlings