Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

School Evaluation- What do others say about the school?

We regularly review all aspects of our school, including our Broad Curriculum offer with our Learn Sheffield school improvement partner, external consultants and Governors and use pupil voice as part of our evaluations so that we can celebrate what we do well and agree our next developments.  We also welcome LA Heads of Service, senior and other trusts leaders from within and beyond Sheffield, and colleagues enrolled on Learners First NPQ programmes to provide a strengths and developments analysis of provision, so that we have a broad perspective of strengths and areas for development. This term we welcomed our annual Learners First NPQ delegates to school. 

This year we have continued to engage Nationally and internationally with partners to share our approach to developing schools as Community Hubs and we are working with the Institute of Education and over thirty organisations to share best practice. We recently featured as a case study in an N8 research report feeing into future National policy. 

This year we have engaged with partners to evaluate our music curriculum, review our approaches to art and technology (Maker School developments with the University of Sheffield), approaches to supporting disadvantaged learners and Young Carers, and a history and geography re-design.     Children proudly and confidently share their learning and knowledge, including their personal learning space on Google Classroom and are encouraged to demonstrate how they have aimed high and achieved well in their learning from their varied starting points. 

We are proud to share some of the most recent reflections.

Extracts and Quotes 

Letter from a parent July 2024...

'Our family's 12 year journey at Arbourthorne is quite difficult to sum up in a few words. As parents, we have witnessed Arbourthorne's efforts in our children's emotional, intellectual, and behavioural development and we continue to see the school's values reflected in our children's actions. In simple words, Arbourthorne Community Primary School isn't just a school to our family but was part of their life. All three of our children have become very successful academically... we cannot thank the school enough for the amazing effort and help they have given our children.

Being a part of Arbourthorne is like being part of a family, you instantly feel welcome and the staff are amazing. When we sent our children off to school, we felt happy and had complete faith in their safety and well-being. Additionally, when issues did arise I value how quickly the staff handled them. I give the school credit for its management and communication skills.

Ultimately, there aren't enough words to express our gratitude for assisting my kids in reaching their current position. We appreciate you seeing our kids' potential and helping them in realising it. As a family we think highly of you and the school, and even when we leave, we will never forget or undermine what the school has done for us. You are an amazing headteacher and an even better person. We see how kind you are and how you truly love the school. May God bless your efforts. Finally as a family we say that Arbourthorne will always be in our hearts and (as you say) once Arbourthorne, Always Arbourthorne, Yours sincerely,  (parent of 3 children who attended the school with the last child leaving Y6 in July 24) 

'Arbourthorne’s curriculum is exciting and ambitious and offers pupils rich, progressive, holistic learning, based on the skills, knowledge and attributes that that they will need as citizens of the future.' 

'Leaders, teachers and TAs are being strategic and going the extra mile to ensure individual pupils who have fallen behind are supported to catch-up.' LA School Improvement Partner 

'Seeing the inclusive approach you have across the school, how you have worked through so many issues and arrived at such Outstanding practice- it blows me away! The children, the staff, your senior leads, SENCO, everyone, so engaged, and engaging, it was an absolute pleasure to witness the hard work and dedication as well as the genuine care, love and aspiration you hold for the children.'  Head of Service SEND

'An inspirational oasis of calm within the community in which families and individuals are invested. Arbourthorne staff are enablers of growth, not letting barriers be the platform but imagining and realising the possibilities.' Rachel Nash Learners First Leadership Development Strategic Lead

'It was clear that there are high expectations placed on all children, the ambitious curriculum for all children... it's incredible to see the very low levels on entry in spoken language and where they leave by the end of EYFS.' Colleague from the Senior team of a Sheffield school NPQSL

'The Headteacher describes the school as a ‘haven’ for its pupils. A visitor has only to step inside the building to understand why that is true. Pupils feel safe and valued here, they want to be in school; part of the bustling community where often the unexpected can happen...The success of the school is about so much more than test data and published outcomes. To nurture confident pupils who have a voice, with strong moral values, pupils who are developing life skills that will lead to future employment, is the impact of exceptional leaders who are fully committed to breaking down the barriers to learning that most pupils have. The Headteacher has the trust of the community. It is testament to her strength of character and her vision that pupils flourish, but she is the first to acknowledge that educating pupils has to be hand in hand with educating parents too.' LA School Improvement Partner 

'There is clear strategic leadership of reading across the school and this is reflected in the determination of leaders to provide a clear framework for the teaching of reading skills, including early literacy, and ensure investment in high quality texts that promote a love of reading and reading for pleasure...there is a focus on ensuring the culture of reading is inclusive of all children, including those who are supported because of their additional needs...all the children we spoke to were enthusaistic about reading and wanted to talk to us about the books they like the most.' CEO Harmony Trust  and Director of Education- Reading Review

Parent Survey 23-24

'The support they give my child is amazing and it really puts me at ease knowing he is in good hands. The children are given very good opportunities and trips and to support hobbies.' 

'Both my sons have attended this school, lovely teachers, good teaching, run really well, no faults. Thanks' 

'Arbourthorne Primary School staff are amazing and they listen to all your needs and go over and beyond to help with any school matter/ home issues.'

'a friendly and kind environment and a good community spirit.'

'after three children going through this school it feels like home.'

'The school have dealt with all my concerns and my children have improved because the school provides them with learning materials, laptops etc.'