Arbourthorne Community Primary School

Arbourthorne Community Primary School

'... a place of joy, inclusivity and learning' OfSTED 2022

Sports Premium Spending 

We offer an extensive and comprehensive package of sporting opportunities for our pupils. 


The government allocates PE and Sports Premium to be spent on the provision and improvement of sports teaching.

The school has chosen to work together with the other schools in the Sheffield School Partnership Link Program to create a cohesive approach to providing quality PE for all our pupils.


2023 Award Winning Swimming Provision

Arbourthorne Community Primary was awarded the 2023 Sheffield Schools' Get Active Award in the swimming category. The school was nominated by Sheffield School Swimming for going above and beyond in the provision for swimming and water safety education. We provide swimming and water safety education to all our pupils twice, with the aim to increase the percentage of pupils achieving their end of KS2 national curriculum outcomes of 25m.

Arbourthorne Sports Council - Out pupils have a voice

Our Sports Council consist of pupil representatives from Y1 to Y6 and our Hive. Pupil voice flows at our half termly meetings.

The councils four aims are:

  1. All children should enjoy and have fun when being physically active.
  2. To inspire and develop children's knowledge and skills in a range of activities
  3. To encourage pupil voice, in order to make change
  4. To promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles through inclusive activities. 


Longstanding Partnerships

We work extensively with the award winning sports department at Sheffield Girls' High School. This partnership ensures pupils are provided with opportunities that help support their knowledge, confidence and competitive nature. Student mentors and staff from the school offer specialist coaching for our pupils and staff.  Inter school netball competitions, cross-country running, badminton, rounders and tennis competitions have been opportunities taken by our pupils over time. The element of competition, skill and positive mental attitude of our pupils has been enhanced by this approach and staff skills and confidence have led to an enhanced curriculum and colleague confidence.


Supporting Parents

Parents are supported financially to ensure their children can access Sunday league clubs and engage in extra curricular swimming, horse riding and gymnastics where parents may have financial challenges to meet these costs. Parents also have opportunities to join their child/children in after school physical activities such as the weekly Zumba Club.


The document below details how we have used our Sports Premium up to Summer 2024 (on the Youth Sports Trust format 2023 version) and the impact it had on pupils.  We spend over our allocation by employing a full time sports leader and contributing to our LINKS cross school support partnership.